The Smart(Phone) Reasons That Companies are Embracing Web Marketing

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Why is web marketing important? We will answer that question with another question. How many time do you look at your smartphone each day? Probably a lot. Luckily, AGI Marketing can help you with your online presence, you can better your business. 

The Average Smart Phone User

If your answer is low – let’s say 10 times per day – then you may be shocked to learn that you are not the average American smart phone user. According to recent statistics, the average smart phone user picks up their phone more that 1,500 times each week (averaging out to 214 times per day) and uses their phone for roughly three hours and sixteen minutes each and every day.

Smart phones are no longer just communication devices with cool features. They are becoming the go-to-gadget of our modern world, and people are using them to read the news, respond to emails, check the weather, and online shop – all before they even get out of bed in the morning. In fact, the average smart phone user checks their phone before 7:31 a.m.!

No one needs a rooster to wake them up when their Twitter feed is tweeting away. And no one needs coffee when they can get their morning jolt from the morning news (Okay, we are kidding. Coffee is still a must). But really, bye bye breakfast in bed – hello Facebook newsfeed.

But Wait! There’s More.

But just how often do Facebook users really check Facebook? And how often to people really online shop? The stats show that 70 percent of Facebook users interact with Facebook on a daily basis, and 25 percent of Americans make at least one online purchase each week. Businesses who engage in web marketing understand how important their websites and online social media platforms are to success, and companies who don’t utilize web marketing to their advantage miss out on a high percentage of the population that is almost exclusively mobile.

What If My Company Doesn’t Sell Products Online?

Many companies who don’t makes sales online fall under the assumption that their website or social media account just isn’t all that important. While this may have been true 20 years ago, it definitely is not the case now. Today’s smart phone crazed, search engine savvy world places high demands for online marketing. People want to interact with brands on internet platforms. They want to comment on their posts and like their photos. They want information exactly when they want it. And if we are being honest with ourselves, most of us are driven this way, too. A company’s website and social media platforms must be accessible, interactive, and informative, or the company will lose a significant portion of its audience.

Web Marketing is Marketing

We know that sounds redundant, but hear us out. Web marketing used to be an accessory to marketing. It was a condiment that added some flavor to the main dish. Now online marketing is part of the main dish. It is expected and is important for companies to thrive. If you are interested in learning more about web marketing in our mobile world, contact AGI today!

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Blue Circle


Born and raised in Senegal, West Africa, my love for diverse cultures and adventure led me to the U.S. 16 years ago. From kickstarting my college journey at Harrisburg Community College in Pennsylvania to earning my Bachelor’s in Communication Studies with a minor in Public Relations and a Master’s in Marketing Intelligence at Towson University in Maryland, it’s been a fun ride!

Now, picture this: an avid chatterbox with an outgoing personality – that’s me! AGI turned out to be the perfect match, where I blend my creativity with strategic expertise, crafting campaigns that contribute to the success of diverse industries. It’s not just about elevating one business; it’s about orchestrating success across various fields.

Blue Circle


After growing up in the Finger Lakes region of upstate NY (Garbage Plate region) and being an artsy athlete at school, I went to college for Graphic Design and to play lacrosse. After graduating from RIT I’ve moved everywhere – Oklahoma, Texas, Cali, Nevada, and back home to New York. I’ve always loved exploring new places, but the Finger Lakes is where I want to settle down – there is truly no place like it. 

Working in digital marketing gives you that new place mindset – it’s always changing, and I’ve loved this job because of that. I love celebrating the wins with employees and client success.

Blue Circle


I spent half of my childhood growing up in Nashville and the second half in Chicago. Right out of high school, I joined the Army where I learned a lot about growth. I got out of the Army in 1997 and started my own company that became AGI Marketing. We began as a graphics and vehicle wrap company, but as I saw the world start to shift to digital and the need to be online, we transformed into a digital agency. 

We have grown considerably since that shift. I am obsessed with growth – for my staff, family, the company, and myself, and we love being able to help businesses grow. Outside of the office, I have five children, three grandchildren, and a wonderful wife. I am very involved in my Christian church and enjoy traveling!

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