As progression of the internet usage continues to grow, Google has released a new update called Hummingbird. It was released one month ago and has affected 90 percent of Google’s searches. This is being announced as the largest update Google has released in about twelve years. Many are worried that their SEO efforts will be ruined because of this update, but no worries! If anything, your rankings on Google should improve.
Google’s recent past updates such as Page Rank, Penguin and Panda have left a lot of us wondering what has happened to these updates. They are still effective and are still functioning. Google has improved their Knowledge Graph. For example, the search query “compare oranges with apples” will result in an organized graph that contains data covering nutritional information. Google is improving search terms. Asking Google questions will result in more accurate answers than ever as it will be using previous searches to provide you with the best answer.
Google is keen on keeping up with the ever growing, ever changing technological world. All these updates are making it easy for Google users to make their searches more intricate.
Unlike Panda, which took place in February 2013, Hummingbird will see more success and less rank changes. Companies that have been SEO “ing” correctly these past few years should not see a significant change. Google is looking for sites that have unique and much content.
Something new that Google is working on is Google Now. As Google is competing with Android and Apple’s mobile software, they could be releasing a mobile update that will target the smartphone and tablet world. This will improve the talking searches many of us are doing. As our technological world is booming, Google is sure to be ahead of the game.
What will Google do next?
As El Paso’s SEO team, AGI Marketing Solutions is always striving to keep ahead of the game. In El Paso, knowing what people are searching for is not an easy task. Leave that up to us, the SEO experts in El Paso, Texas. Call AGI Marketing, 915.590.7420 for more information or our website