Holiday SEO Tips to Consider This Season

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holidays decorationsIt seems like yesterday that we were in January 2018, which has been dubbed this year’s month that “never seemed to end.” Once it did end, though, 2018 zipped by. One minute we were in February and the next we were in November. Now, Christmas is only about a month away, and as we’re putting up our trees and decorating our offices for the holidays, it’s important to consider our holiday SEO plans. There are many holiday season trends projected to be incredibly helpful this year. Here are a few tips to help you master this year’s trends.

Tip #1: Starting Early!

When it comes to planning your holiday season SEO, you want to start it early. Many companies wait until about a week before Christmas, and while they can still reap a lot of benefits with that plan, you’ll experience much stronger results if you start earlier in the year. According to Authority Labs, companies ended up being included in 50% of holiday web traffic when they started their holiday SEO strategies a week before Christmas—this isn’t half bad. However, if you start 45 days out from Christmas, you can reach up to 90 percent of the holiday web traffic. How about that for some Christmas cheer?

Tip #2: Create Holiday-Themed Content

When creating a content strategy for your company, it’s important to create an authentic voice throughout your entire strategy. One way to do this is to engage with potential customers about what’s going on in the mainstream, and this includes the holidays. Creating holiday-themed content is a great way to do so.

Tip #3: Fa La La Link Building

Link building is always important in creating a great SEO strategy, but it becomes even more so during the holiday season. Be sure to work on this consistently throughout the year, so that by the time the holidays roll around, you’re prepared.

Tip #4: Plan for The New Year

While planning for the holiday season is great, it’s important not to fall short-sighted. Once Christmas has passed, New Years Day comes quickly. Don’t forget to start planning your SEO strategies for the following year!

Call AGI Marketing Today!

If you own a business—any kind of business—having a solid SEO strategy in place will help you come out on top of your competition. But as a business owner, you have your hands full, and working with search engine optimization may be the least of your concerns. This is where AGI Marketing comes in. We help businesses of all shapes and sizes with their online marketing. Call us today to learn more!

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Blue Circle


Born and raised in Senegal, West Africa, my love for diverse cultures and adventure led me to the U.S. 16 years ago. From kickstarting my college journey at Harrisburg Community College in Pennsylvania to earning my Bachelor’s in Communication Studies with a minor in Public Relations and a Master’s in Marketing Intelligence at Towson University in Maryland, it’s been a fun ride!

Now, picture this: an avid chatterbox with an outgoing personality – that’s me! AGI turned out to be the perfect match, where I blend my creativity with strategic expertise, crafting campaigns that contribute to the success of diverse industries. It’s not just about elevating one business; it’s about orchestrating success across various fields.

Blue Circle


After growing up in the Finger Lakes region of upstate NY (Garbage Plate region) and being an artsy athlete at school, I went to college for Graphic Design and to play lacrosse. After graduating from RIT I’ve moved everywhere – Oklahoma, Texas, Cali, Nevada, and back home to New York. I’ve always loved exploring new places, but the Finger Lakes is where I want to settle down – there is truly no place like it. 

Working in digital marketing gives you that new place mindset – it’s always changing, and I’ve loved this job because of that. I love celebrating the wins with employees and client success.

Blue Circle


I spent half of my childhood growing up in Nashville and the second half in Chicago. Right out of high school, I joined the Army where I learned a lot about growth. I got out of the Army in 1997 and started my own company that became AGI Marketing. We began as a graphics and vehicle wrap company, but as I saw the world start to shift to digital and the need to be online, we transformed into a digital agency. 

We have grown considerably since that shift. I am obsessed with growth – for my staff, family, the company, and myself, and we love being able to help businesses grow. Outside of the office, I have five children, three grandchildren, and a wonderful wife. I am very involved in my Christian church and enjoy traveling!

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