SEO vs. PPC: Which Is Right for Your Business?

A woman with glasses thinking about SEO, ranking, content, and keywords.

When it comes to the success of your business, creating a digital marketing strategy to meet your unique needs is essential. SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click) are two strategies to grow your business through a stronger online presence and more visibility to your potential customers. However, SEO and PPC differ in their processes and results, so choosing the right one for your business is critical.

If you want to learn more about AGI Marketing’s quality digital marketing services, including both SEO and PPC, contact us online or call (888) 269-5449 today.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization and is a vital part of most digital marketing strategies. SEO aims to boost the visibility of your website on search engines, such as Google. With a quality website and optimized website content, more traffic will be brought to your site. Search engines take SEO seriously, aiming to give users the best experience possible. So, if you have properly implemented SEO throughout your website, you are likely to rank higher in the organic portion of the search engine results page (SERP).

SEO is a long-term strategy that builds your visibility and website traffic over time. If you are looking for a way to get an edge over your competitors, investing in SEO is a necessity.

Why Invest in SEO?

Billions of people use various search engines every single day. Google alone averages over 2 trillion searches per year. With this volume of people using these engines on a daily basis, ranking highly in the search results related to your business can be a turning point in its success. Again, SEO is a long-term solution that will continue to bring you results. However, it needs to be an ongoing strategy to ensure it is adapting to the changes within your business as well as the ever-changing algorithms of search engines.

What is PPC?

PPC stands for pay-per-click and is a method of paid online advertising. PPC ads may show on search engine results pages, websites, or social media platforms. If you want to reach a specific audience and do it fast, PPC is the way to go. 

Why Invest in PPC?

While online ads may not seem overly useful, 75% of people reported that PPC ads helped them find the product or service they were looking for. PPC’s success is unparalleled on social media platforms. It is important to note, however, that paying for PPC ads will not improve your organic SEO rankings. PPC is a great option for getting fast sales, leads, and visibility.

SEO + PPC = A Strong Digital Marketing Strategy

While PPC may be a better option for your business in some instances, and SEO may be better in others, the reality is that a good, adaptive digital marketing strategy will include both. A comprehensive strategy always has the goal of maximizing your business’s visibility on multiple channels. PPC brings instant results, while SEO is a long-term, effective strategy. Together, these services can take your business to an entirely new level. To get started with a personalized digital marketing plan, call AGI Marketing at (888) 269-5449 today.

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Blue Circle


Born and raised in Senegal, West Africa, my love for diverse cultures and adventure led me to the U.S. 16 years ago. From kickstarting my college journey at Harrisburg Community College in Pennsylvania to earning my Bachelor’s in Communication Studies with a minor in Public Relations and a Master’s in Marketing Intelligence at Towson University in Maryland, it’s been a fun ride!

Now, picture this: an avid chatterbox with an outgoing personality – that’s me! AGI turned out to be the perfect match, where I blend my creativity with strategic expertise, crafting campaigns that contribute to the success of diverse industries. It’s not just about elevating one business; it’s about orchestrating success across various fields.

Blue Circle


After growing up in the Finger Lakes region of upstate NY (Garbage Plate region) and being an artsy athlete at school, I went to college for Graphic Design and to play lacrosse. After graduating from RIT I’ve moved everywhere – Oklahoma, Texas, Cali, Nevada, and back home to New York. I’ve always loved exploring new places, but the Finger Lakes is where I want to settle down – there is truly no place like it. 

Working in digital marketing gives you that new place mindset – it’s always changing, and I’ve loved this job because of that. I love celebrating the wins with employees and client success.

Blue Circle


I spent half of my childhood growing up in Nashville and the second half in Chicago. Right out of high school, I joined the Army where I learned a lot about growth. I got out of the Army in 1997 and started my own company that became AGI Marketing. We began as a graphics and vehicle wrap company, but as I saw the world start to shift to digital and the need to be online, we transformed into a digital agency. 

We have grown considerably since that shift. I am obsessed with growth – for my staff, family, the company, and myself, and we love being able to help businesses grow. Outside of the office, I have five children, three grandchildren, and a wonderful wife. I am very involved in my Christian church and enjoy traveling!

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