Top 10 Marketing Tips for Homebuilders

Digital marketing technology concept. Internet. Online. Search Engine Optimisation. SEO. SMM. Video Advertising.

Are you trying to reach more homebuyers this year? You’ll need a strong marketing strategy to reel new customers in. Unfortunately, about 65% of businesses struggle to generate traffic and leads.

Another 80% of new leads never become sales.

With these 10 effective marketing tips for homebuilders, you can boost your business and stand out from the crowd. More people will find your website, allowing you to draw in potential buyers. Then, you can use content marketing and other tactics to convert visitors into leads.

Ready to build out your business this year? Get started with these 10 digital marketing tips today!

1. Know Your Audience

Before you start using these marketing tips, it helps to understand who you’re trying to reach. Otherwise, your marketing messages won’t have an impact. Understanding your customers will help you better appeal to their interests.

Take the time to determine who your customers are based on demographics. If you’re targeting a wide audience of homebuyers, segment your audience. You can create a different marketing message for each group.

Target demographics include:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Language
  • Education
  • Household income
  • Marital status
  • Buying behaviors
  • Interests
  • Pain points

How do your customers behave? What type of homes are they looking for? What do they want versus need?

Gathering this information will help you personalize your marketing strategy. Personalization makes it easier for you to connect with your audience. You can use emotion-based marketing messages to forge a connection.

Content that isn’t personalized, on the other hand, might fail to interest your audience. They won’t see how your marketing meets their needs.

You don’t want your message to sound too generic.

Understanding your audience will help you communicate your unique value proposition, too. Why should customers choose your business? How do you stand out from other home builders?

Keep recent events in mind as well. For example, COVID-19 is increasing the use of VR and AR technologies. You can follow social distancing guidelines by creating virtual tours of the homes you’ve built. 

Once you understand your audience, you can start building your marketing strategy.

2. Build Out Your Brand

Your homebuilder business is unlike any other. If you want to use these marketing tips effectively, you need to show customers you’re unique. A distinct brand can help you stand out from the crowd.

Otherwise, you could end up looking like every other homebuilder in the area.

When building your brand, keep your unique value proposition in mind. Use that as the center of your brand. Then, determine your mission and vision statements.

What promise are you making customers? How do you intend to keep it?

Think of your brand as a real, breathing person. How would they look and speak? What’s their personality like?

Your brand’s personality, voice, and tone will help it stand out and better connect with customers.

Then, consider the visual components of your brand, including the:

  • Logo
  • Font style
  • Imagery/photography style
  • Color scheme
  • Button styles

You’ll want to keep these elements consistent as you use these digital marketing tips. The same visual brand should appear on your website, content, and social media. 

A consistent brand can help you build brand awareness and recognition. Homebuyers will remember seeing your brand and immediately remember your website. 

An inconsistent brand, on the other hand, could confuse customers. Someone might click on a digital ad, visit your website, and think they’re on the wrong page.

Once you establish your brand, create a brand guidelines document. This document will keep your team on the same page.

3. Gather Keyword Research

You can learn more about your audience by completing keyword research. You’ll need this keyword research for search engine marketing. Keyword research can improve your content marketing strategy, too.

Once you know who your customers are, determine their search habits online. What keywords do they use in Google to find homebuilders? How did they find your website?

First, check your Google Analytics. Google Analytics can tell you more about your previous website visitors. You can determine how they arrived at your website, too. 

Then, use these tools to make a list of target keywords:

  • Answer the Public
  • Ahrefs
  • SEMRush
  • Google Trends
  • Google Keyword Planner

Look for long-tail and short-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are more than four words long. These keywords are more precise.

For example, “home” can give searchers a million different web links. “Homebuilder near me” is more exact. Creating content for long-tail keywords will help you zero in on prospective buyers.

With the right target keyword, you can draw in high-quality leads. 

Once you have your keywords, you can use the below content marketing tips!

4. Update Your Website

What do people see when they first arrive on your website? Is your website fast, organized, and easy to use? Is the navigation bar easy to follow?

Where are your conversion opportunities located?

Updating your website can help you optimize it for conversions.

First, make sure your pages load quickly. You can use Google PageSpeed Insights to pinpoint what’s causing your site to slow down. Slow loading pages can frustrate visitors.

They’ll leave without clicking around, which can boost your bounce rate. A high bounce rate can have a negative impact on your search engine rankings. Lower rankings make it more difficult for people to find your business.

Instead, you want a high clickthrough rate and dwell time. You can encourage people to click around and stay with a wow-worthy website.

Once you’ve updated your page speed, use heat maps to determine where people leave. These are areas that need improvement. Where do people linger?

Consider utilizing user experience (UX) design trends when updating your website. UX design trends ensure your site is easy to use. Google will notice you’re creating a positive user experience and boost your ranking.

You can use UX trends like:

  • Adding negative space between your content
  • Organizing your navigation
  • Using headings and subheadings
  • Choosing fonts that are easy to read
  • Organizing content with bullets and lists
  • Fixing broken links
  • Using mobile-optimization
  • Making sure buttons are easy to click

Add numerous conversion opportunities to your site. For example, you can add a “Call Us” button to the top right of the navigation bar. Your heat map can tell you the best places for conversion opportunities. 

Make sure your website is mobile-optimized, too. A one-second delay in mobile load times can hurt conversions by 20%. Meanwhile, people who have a negative mobile experience are 62% less likely to make a purchase.

5. Optimize for SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) helps your website appear in front of prospective buyers on search engines like Google. Almost 70% of online activities start on a search engine.

In fact, SEO drives 1,000% more traffic than organic social media. SEO leads also have a 14.6% close rate.

In order to optimize your website for SEO, you’ll need your keyword research.

First, make sure each page on your website has a dedicated target keyword. Don’t repeat keywords. Choose keywords that make sense for that page and its content.

Then, update the page by adding your target keyword to the:

  • URL
  • Page title
  • Opening paragraph
  • Body text
  • Closing paragraph
  • H1 header
  • Image alt text
  • Meta description

Don’t overstuff your content with the same keyword. Instead, use secondary keywords.

When adding keywords, make sure it sounds natural. Remember, you’re writing for people, not a search engine.

6. Craft Creative Content

Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing strategies. It also generates three times as many leads! In fact, companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than others.

These content marketing tips can help you rank higher on search engines using SEO. Google loves fresh, informative content. Make sure your content is valuable to the reader.

You can use your keyword research to determine which topics to cover. Choose your target keyword before you start writing. Keep the content focused on that subject.

Mix up the type of content you create. Try:

  • Blog posts
  • Infographics
  • eBooks
  • Case studies
  • Lists
  • Polls
  • Quizzes
  • Surveys
  • Videos

When writing your content, try to use short sentences and paragraphs. Avoid jargon. Instead, make sure your content is easy to read.

People are more likely to linger on content that’s easy to consume. For example, you can convert a blog post into an eye-catching infographic. Use your brand colors to help it stand out.

If you have a lot of blog posts, combine them into an eBook. Then, prompt people to exchange their email for your exclusive, helpful tool. That way, you can gather more leads.

End each post with a strong call-to-action to attract more prospective buyers.

Case Studies

Help people recognize your value with case studies. Case studies can show prospective buyers what your home building company is capable of. For example, you can show before and after photos and quotes from the buyers.

Creating social proof on your website can boost brand trust. People will see you’re the right choice for building their home.

7. Show Off Your Work

Don’t hesitate to show off your work! As you use these content marketing tips, find new ways to build brand trust with social proof. Case studies are only one great example.

Consider adding photo galleries and customer reviews to your website as well. These marketing tips will help you draw more people to your website. As your SEO ranking improves, you can reach an even bigger audience.

Photo Galleries

Seeing is believing. Show buyers what you’re capable of with a stunning photo gallery.

Make sure to have a professional photographer take your photos. They’ll make sure the images speak for themselves.

Keep your photo gallery updated throughout the year. You don’t want your content growing stale. Then, share these photos on social media or in a newsletter to keep people informed.


About 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business. In fact, over 80% trust reviews as much as personal recommendations. Reviews even impact about 70% of buying decisions.

After each project, ask the homebuyers if they’re willing to write a review about your business. They can post their reviews directly on your Google My Business listing. Prospective buyers will see these reviews and know they can trust your business.

You can also create a testimonial video. Post your video on a dedicated page of your website. As people learn more about your business, they can see buyers already trust you.

8. Send a Newsletter

As you use these marketing tips, look for ways to keep your audience up-to-date regarding your business. That way, you can remain top-of-mind. Using these digital marketing tips only once won’t help you maintain an audience.

For example, you can use an email newsletter. Create a subscription form on your website. Use a strong call-to-action to draw people in.

Then, send them email updates about the homes you’re building. Let people know when there’s news in the home construction industry. If you’re attending an event, invite your customers.

Email marketing will make it easier for you to communicate with your audience.

9. Stay Active on Social

Don’t neglect social media. Social media marketing tips can help you expand your reach. You can also gain a following.

As with email marketing, social media is a great way to keep buyers up-to-date. Post links to your latest blog content. Use a compelling call-to-action to draw them in.

You can use social media to create digital ads, too. These ads can appear on Facebook and Instagram. If you want to reach more people on Google, consider Google Ads.

You can use your photography to show off your abilities. People can click on your ads to visit your website. Then, you can convert those visitors into leads.

10. Keep Up With Trends

As you use these digital marketing tips, remember: marketing is constantly changing. Keep an eye out for any trends you can use to boost your marketing.

For example, voice search is becoming more popular. Video content, including AR and VR, can boost your marketing strategy, too.

Keeping up with trends will help you stay ahead of the competition.

Build Your Business: 10  Simple Homebuilder Marketing Tips for 2021

Ready to build your business? Keep these 10 easy marketing tips handy! With these tips, you can stand out from the crowd and generate fresh leads.

Find more homebuyers with these 10 tips today!

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Blue Circle


Born and raised in Senegal, West Africa, my love for diverse cultures and adventure led me to the U.S. 16 years ago. From kickstarting my college journey at Harrisburg Community College in Pennsylvania to earning my Bachelor’s in Communication Studies with a minor in Public Relations and a Master’s in Marketing Intelligence at Towson University in Maryland, it’s been a fun ride!

Now, picture this: an avid chatterbox with an outgoing personality – that’s me! AGI turned out to be the perfect match, where I blend my creativity with strategic expertise, crafting campaigns that contribute to the success of diverse industries. It’s not just about elevating one business; it’s about orchestrating success across various fields.

Blue Circle


After growing up in the Finger Lakes region of upstate NY (Garbage Plate region) and being an artsy athlete at school, I went to college for Graphic Design and to play lacrosse. After graduating from RIT I’ve moved everywhere – Oklahoma, Texas, Cali, Nevada, and back home to New York. I’ve always loved exploring new places, but the Finger Lakes is where I want to settle down – there is truly no place like it. 

Working in digital marketing gives you that new place mindset – it’s always changing, and I’ve loved this job because of that. I love celebrating the wins with employees and client success.

Blue Circle


I spent half of my childhood growing up in Nashville and the second half in Chicago. Right out of high school, I joined the Army where I learned a lot about growth. I got out of the Army in 1997 and started my own company that became AGI Marketing. We began as a graphics and vehicle wrap company, but as I saw the world start to shift to digital and the need to be online, we transformed into a digital agency. 

We have grown considerably since that shift. I am obsessed with growth – for my staff, family, the company, and myself, and we love being able to help businesses grow. Outside of the office, I have five children, three grandchildren, and a wonderful wife. I am very involved in my Christian church and enjoy traveling!

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