How To Increase Traffic and Views for Youtube Marketing

Professional digital equipment recording video blog of businesswoman, online business coach making presentation for website, filming popular vlog or master class for videoblog channel, focus on camera

There is a vast amount of people who aspire to brand their name through the help of Youtube. Youtube is the largest video-sharing website and because so people many stream and post, there is a solid competition to gain views and share your own content. Being able to feature your videos at the top of […]

How Recreational Time Can Boost Productivity at Work 

A workplace can become incredibly monotonous incredibly quickly. Sitting behind a desk for eight or nine hours during the day, five days a week can wear a person down. It’s almost as if full-time employees have become accustomed to this unbearable repetitive cycle. In time, however, this begins to wear down on the employee’s morale. […]

Stand Out from the Crowd: The Significance of Responsive Web Design

A woman using her smartphone and smiling

In just a few months, we’ll all be in the year 2020. As futuristic as that date may seem, most of us may feel a bit let down with the “future” we currently live in. If you look around, nothing much seems to have changed in recent years. Sure, there may be more electric vehicles […]

What is SEO? Your Burning Questions, Answered!

young woman on her laptop in a trendy coffee shop

SEO, which stands for search engine optimization, is the law of the land when it comes to search engines such as Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. It basically refers to optimizing your own website to be as beneficial for users as possible. For now, let’s focus on Google, which can be seen as the sheriff in […]

What is an SEO Strategy & How Can It Help My HVAC Business?

hvac systems

HVAC companies have a unique challenge when it comes to online marketing. Typically, people rely on HVAC services about twice a year for maintenance and— of course—when there is a problem or malfunction. This is why HVAC companies need to be visible and have a strong online presence. If someone is searching for “AC repair […]

How Search Engine Optimization is like Poetry | National Poetry Month

poetry book

April is National Poetry Month, something we know writers, artists, and educators alike are gathering together to celebrate, but want to know a little known fact? Marketers celebrate National Poetry Month too! After all, aren’t tweets just small, poetry tidbits? Well, the well-written tweets at least. At AGI Marketing, we specialize in digital marketing, helping […]

Meet Some of Our Amazing Women Employees | Women’s History Month

women employees working in marketing

Did you know that the majority of our employees at AGI Marketing are women? We want to celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day by introducing you to some of our hardworking women employees, who come in every day with bright ideas and are always ready to help our many clients with their digital […]

How Your HVAC FAQ Page Will Help Customer Conversion

hvac services

We’re all looking for answers. With information at our fingertips, we want to know everything.  A big reason people search the internet is precisely that: a perpetual search for answers and, yes, services and cool stuff. People have questions and they look to their trusted hand-held devices and search engines to lay out the answers […]

Brand Awareness, Synergy, and the Beauty of SEO

A woman on her laptop with her dog next to her

What’s behind a brand? A product, sure, but what’s the idealized vision of a brand? And how do companies the world over express this vision to clients? All these rhetorical questions find their answer in brand awareness. By creating a proper strategy that makes clients aware of what exactly a brand stands for, the brand […]

What Does My TV Have to Do With Google Ads? A lot, Actually.

retro tv

Over the past couple of years, the world has seen a resounding increase in the impact of digital marketing. While TV, radio, and billboard ads dominated marketing for decades, online marketing has proven itself time and time again as one of the best ways to put your business on the map. Nowadays, you can’t go […]