SEO for Law Firms – A Complete Guide to Lawyer Search Engine Optimization
You want an increase in legitimate, high-quality clients. Although word-of-mouth and client referrals have brought you some success, it just isn’t cutting it anymore. So how, in the highly competitive legal industry, do you get potential clients to contact your firm rather than your competitors? The answer is actually quite simple. Develop and implement a […]
What is SEO? Your Burning Questions, Answered!
SEO, which stands for search engine optimization, is the law of the land when it comes to search engines such as Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. It basically refers to optimizing your own website to be as beneficial for users as possible. For now, let’s focus on Google, which can be seen as the sheriff in […]
Brand Awareness, Synergy, and the Beauty of SEO
What’s behind a brand? A product, sure, but what’s the idealized vision of a brand? And how do companies the world over express this vision to clients? All these rhetorical questions find their answer in brand awareness. By creating a proper strategy that makes clients aware of what exactly a brand stands for, the brand […]
Holiday SEO Tips to Consider This Season
It seems like yesterday that we were in January 2018, which has been dubbed this year’s month that “never seemed to end.” Once it did end, though, 2018 zipped by. One minute we were in February and the next we were in November. Now, Christmas is only about a month away, and as we’re putting […]
SEO Marketing to Attract More Customers
If you company is not making use of Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, marketing you are missing out on a huge corner of the market. Employing the right strategies can guarantee you top spots on Google searches. This can include top spots in local searches and on maps. Find out more about this […]
3 Anticipated SEO Trends for 2022
It’s hard to believe that the new year is just a couple of weeks away. As we approach 2018, it’s important to think about how our search engine optimization strategies will change, evolve, and adapt once the clock strikes midnight. If you’re not already on the SEO boat, you’re a bit behind. But don’t worry. […]
How SEO Can Help Your Business Grow
You’ve probably heard this word, or, more accurately, acronym, thrown around before SEO. Search engine optimization, or SEO, utilizes keywords and content to help a web page show up in the top organic Google results. Many businesses over the past decade or so have started using it to better their digital marketing strategy and increase […]
Google, April Fool’s Day, and SEO
April Fools Day has come and gone, but we are still laughing about some of the hilarious pranks that were pulled at the AGI office. It seems like everyone went all out this year, and it was fun to see what everyone came up with! Despite the world’s best efforts, however, no one can beat […]
How Does Search Engine Optimization Work?
What good is a wonderful treasure if it was hidden at the bottom of the sea? You could have a beautifully designed website with fantastic artwork, logos, and great photos. But, if you don’t use search engine optimization, no one will ever find it. Here at AGI Marketing, we use search engine optimization to direct […]
What is SEO and Why do You Need It?
When a person is looking for a place to eat, to shop, to find a nail technician, to find a doctor, etc., where do they go? They go to the Internet. The answer probably doesn’t surprise you, especially for El Paso in this day and age. As a result, SEO, or search engine optimization, is […]